Computer Operator Vacancy 2078-79

PSC today publish a vacancy announcement for the post of computer operator. The number of total vacant positions is 58. Here are a few details about the computer operator vacancy 2078/79.
If you are preparing for a Computer Operator position then this is the right time to apply and join the Computer Operator exam of psc.
Dhankuta – 12, Khulla 7, Mahila 1, Aadibashi janajati 1, Pichadiyako 1.
Jaleshwor – 2, Khulla 1 , aadibashi janajati 1.
Kathmandu – 21 – Khulla 11, Mahila 3, Aadibashi janajati 3, Madeshi 1 and pichadiyako 1.
Pokhara – 3 – Khulla 1, Aadibashi 1, Madeshi 1.
Butwal – 7 – Khulla 4, mahila 1, aadhibashi 1,, pichadiyako 1.
Surkhet – 2 – Khulla 1, Aadibashi janajati 1.
Dipayal – 11 – Khulla 6, Mahila 1, aadibashi janajati 1, Madeshi 1, Dalit 1, Aapanga 1.

You can easily apply from loksewa portal. And you can also pay online for the vacancy apply. The examination structure was Written => Practical => Interview.
You have to pass the written exam for the practical exam. The interview date is the same as the practical day. But, if any issue happened the interview is postponed. The exam center was where you applied. The apply fee was 400 and for samabashi 200 additional per positon.
Here is the PDF of the vacancy.
PSC has updated their syllybus for 5th level Computer Operator. So, if you want to pass this exam, you have to prepare as per new syllybus.
In new syllybus of computer operator is completely different from previous.
What’s new on updated syllybus?
- GK Questions
- IQ
- Second Paper Written Exam
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